A Complete Package

Administer course scheduling, academic calendar, student status sheets and more. Define and track faculty development as well.

Track inquiries and applications, automate emails and text messages to students for a personalized experience.

Create fundraising campaigns, manage donor information, and process payments to help fund all your institutional needs.

Manage athletic department information in one central location and connect with prospective student-athletes with recruiting tools.

Utilize built-in bookstore including ecommerce solution. Faculty members submit requirements and student can purchase books online.

Faculty Portal
Prepare for courses, utilize classroom management tools and submit grades and attendance all in one place.

Financial Aid
Monitor financial aid from application to disbursement. Import ISIRs and maintain important financial aid information.

Help Desk
Assist users with technical issues, track tickets and provide tutorials for various campus systems.

Institutional Effectiveness
Deploy campus-wide course evaluations and surveys for students and alumni for assessment. Share via email or social media campaigns.

Search entire MARC compliant library catalog, including circulation system with OPAC and serial number management.

Parent Portal
Access to information for parents if student has authorized permission to share.

Build and monitor courses, programs, grades, transcripts, degree audits and more.

Student Accounts
Prepare and manage student invoices including 30-60-90 day notices via letter, email, or text messages. Accept multiple payment forms online.

Student Portal
Navigate to all campus resources from portal to make it easy for students to be successful. Access to student accounts, grades, degree audits, and more.